NW Seaport presents the Classic Workboat & Maritime Show May 17th & 18th, 2025 10am-4pm South Lake Union Park and Historic Wharf Admission: Free!
Our annual Classic Workboat Show is happening at Lake Union Park May 17th & 18th, 2025. Every year we gather a group of visiting tugboats, fishing boats, and emergency response vessels at Lake Union Park for you to come see, step aboard, and experience. Some are retired classics and others are still on the job, moving cargo, keeping our waterways safe, or bringing home the catch. Meet the captains and crew and get an up close look at the long-established prime movers of our regional economy! The show is free and is open to everyone. In additional to boat tours, there will be a beer garden and live music. This event is produced by Northwest Seaport and sponsored by leaders on our working waterfront.
Vessels on Site and open to the public The Tordenskjold: A working boat finding a new life after 100 years spent fishing the Northwest seas. Arthur Foss: This 1989 vessel was declared a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service. Fireboat Duwamish: Host of the Beer Garden! Built in 1909, this vessel is the second oldest fireboat in the United States and the world's most powerful fireboat from 1909 to 2003, pumping 22,800 gallons per minute! M/V Lotus: At 92 feet, Lotus was the largest power yacht on the West Coast in 1909. She was launched in Seattle during the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. Virginia V: This vessel is one of two remaining Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet steamers. She was once part of a large fleet of small ships that linked the islands and ports of Puget Sound in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.